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Coronavirus (COVID-19): Your Call to Step Up, Guide Those in Need, and Grow Your Business


Cost Free
Presentation Length 1.0 hour

Recorded DateApril 3, 2020
CPE:Not available
(archived webinars do not offer CPE credits)
Course LevelBasic
Course Description

Make no mistake about it -- the Coronavirus is real, and it’s affecting a lot of lives and the economy.

Three weeks ago, we saw the WORST drop in the Dow Jones Industrial Average since 1987! That’s 2,350 points - and a massive 10% downturn (and it’s getting worse since then!). Right now, people are scared. Between fear for our lives and the fear for the health and survival of our businesses, the urgency for the small business owner to get help is greater than it’s been in a long time. For many of the 30 million+ business owners in the US and the millions more around the world, this is a horrifying and all-too-vulnerable time. They don’t know how to navigate the economic threats. They don’t know when it’s going to end. And, they don’t know if their business will make it through.

So, what the heck does all this have to do with your accounting practice?

It’s simple, they need you to step up. Period.

Business owners need you now more than they ever have. And they don’t need you to help with their tax returns. That’s not going to save anybody during these dire times. They need you to step up and guide them, because as terribly serious as this virus is, some will be devastated by it while others will choose to step through their own fear and provide guidance.

If you want to help, then do what you do best -- guide business owners into making more intelligent business decisions and navigate these turbulent times. You’ve been doing this for most of your career, but these times require nuances like never before.

In this webinar, Matt Solomon, CEO of the Center for Enlightened Business, will show you what those nuances are and how you can not only help, but thrive together, during these unprecedented times.

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn you exactly what you need to do to attract, price, sell, and deliver these essential services to even just a few of the massive number of businesses in need all around you

  • Understand specifically what work needs to be done for clients right now and how to charge for you value, not your time

  • Discover where you can find the right clients who can afford to pay you well during turbulent times

  • Learn how now is the best time to secure clients for the future and how to do it

  • Understand how to navigate these uncertain times and come out with a stronger business than before this all started

This webinar is not about doing charity work or working crazy hours, or being a martyr to the world. This webinar is about what you need to do – the exact step-by-step process – to bring in premium prices and truly high-profit, ongoing monthly advisory work. And you’ll be the hero who gets paid handsomely for it. Use your valuable knowledge to help others in this time of need. And while some may consider making money now as being too much of an “opportunist” – others will see an opportunity to help others navigate turbulent times and grow their business and get paid well for it.

This is not about charging more than what’s fair or price gouging. This is about using your valuable knowledge to help in a time of need – and getting paid well for your services – today and over the upcoming years. If you want to learn how to step into the “abundance” of helping others and get paid well for it – somewhere between $500-$1,500 realization per hour – attend the webinar.

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Matt’s deep understanding of human behavior and performance brings a unique and fresh approach to the accounting world. Having grown up watching his father, Rick Solomon, CPA, train thousands of CPAs all over the world, Matt gained a unique perspective on what the most successful accountants were doing that others simply were not. By studying their success and failure, Matt was able to add an additional $1,000,000 of revenue to the Center for Enlightened Business within 1 year of learning and applying the very same principles he shares with clients.

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We empower business leaders to achieve greater levels of success, happiness, and fulfillment by providing the formula for amazing transformation. Through two incredible programs, our members experience first-hand what it means to learn and integrate the Enlightened Approach™ into their work.