Let me ask you a question. What is your #1 most used Excel function of all time? Is it the sum function? Well, it shouldn’t be if your goal is to reduce errors in your recurring-use workbooks. We’ll explore a powerful alternative to the SUM function that allows us to perform better summing.
Let me ask you another question. When you insert new data rows, are they automatically included in your formulas? If not, you probably have errors in your workbook because the formulas don’t include everything they should.
Anticipating how your workbooks may change over time and addressing the related risks upfront can help reduce your workbook errors. In this webinar, we’ll explore three simple ways to improve the reliability of your recurring-use workbooks.
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Recognize ways to reduce errors in workbooks
Identify how to automate workbook formulas
Determine ways to update workbooks and workbook formulas
Identify three ways to improve the reliability of your recurring-use workbooks
Excel University
Author of Excel University
[email protected]
(949) 200-7688